Programs for Students with Disabilities
North College Hill currently provides services for students with disabilities in a variety of settings including co-taught classrooms, resource rooms, and life-skills classrooms. These services and supports are available for our students at every grade level (K-12) and in each building district-wide. See below for details regarding the supports provided in each of the different placement options.

An additional classroom titled the Behavioral Supports Classroom is also available in each building for students requiring additional support in the area of behavior. Students in kindergarten through twelfth grade who are disruptive, who do not conform to school rules, and/or display patterns of academic failure because of defiance and non-compliance which may be evident by one or more of the following may be considered for admission into the Behavioral Supports Program:
- 4 or more office referrals for non-violent/dangerous offenses quarterly (9 or more annually)
- 2 or more referrals for violent/dangerous offenses
- Students who are assigned to the alternative to suspension (A to S) setting or transitioning from an alternative program/placement.
- A recommendation for expulsion.
- Students who exhibit 10% or more absenteeism
Child Identification
Ongoing efforts are made to locate, identify and evaluate children below 22 years of age who reside within the District and have a confirmed or suspected disability.
Procedural Safeguards
The child with a disability and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) are provided with safeguards, as required by law, throughout the identification, evaluation and placement process and the provision of a free appropriate public education to the child.
Multi-factored Evaluation
The District provides a multi-factored evaluation (MFE) for children suspected of having disabilities by ensuring that children are assessed in their native language or other mode of communication. Children are evaluated in all areas related to their suspected disability by a qualified multidisciplinary testing team.
Individualized Education Program
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed for each child with a disability who needs special education. The IEP is designed to meet the unique educational needs of the child and is developed by an IEP team, including parents/guardians, regular and special education teachers, and other specialists as appropriate. The IEP is reviewed and revised as often as needed, but at least annually.
Least Restrictive Environment
The education of children with disabilities occurs in the least restrictive environment. To the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities are educated with children who do not have disabilities. When the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes, even with the use of supplementary aids and services, does not provide an educational benefit, students may be educated in special classes, separate schools, special care facilities, or other options determined appropriate by the IEP team.
Testing Programs
Students with disabilities participate in local and State testing programs. Students with the most severe disabilities may be given an Alternate Assessment in accordance with Federal and State guidelines.
New Ohio Alternate Assessment Participation Decision-making Tool
To guide and support individualized education program (IEP) teams in determining whether a student is most appropriately assessed with an alternate assessment, the Ohio Department of Education, in consultation with parents, teachers, administrators and other stakeholders, has developed a new Alternate Assessment Participation Decision-Making Tool. The new tool does not replace the existing alternate assessment decision-making framework. The tool does however, clarify and set specific criteria that students must meet for each criteria in the framework. This tool is required. Moving forward, IEP teams must use the tool each time the team is considering participation in the alternate assessment.