Athletic Forms

Click on the links below to download the IMPORTANT Athletic Forms for North College Hill Athletes:
To participate in interscholastic athletes, a student athlete must have a current physical on file in the Athletic Director's office. A current physical is a physical within the last 12 months. The physical must be on the required Ohio High School Athletic Association form and all pages signed. Forms are available from the high school office 7:30AM to 4:00PM.
North College Hill City Schools follow the Ohio High School Athletic Association's eligibility policies as required. In addition to the OHSAA policy which requires that grades be checked at the end of each grading period, NCH also does two progress report checks during each grading period. This allows North College Hill and the student athlete to have a better understanding of the athlete's academic progress. The athlete can not wait until the end of the quarter and make that desperation "sprint" in an attempt to be eligible. Student athletes at North College Hill must start at the beginning of the quarter and maintain their work throughout the grading period to remain academically eligible at North College Hill.