Parents » Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences

You will receive information via email on upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences from your child's building administrators. Inside that email will be a link to a spreadsheet with each teacher's name. Next to their name is a link to their Google calendar availability for the upcoming conferences.

Below is a short video on how to sign up after clicking the teacher calendar link:
Parent Teacher Conferences- Parent View
Share the Experience!
When you attend North College Hill Middle School and High School Parent-Teacher Conferences on Monday, Feb. 3 between Noon - 7:30 PM stop by the table in the hall and pick up a FREE  "Share the Experience" Bag for you and your student to share. (Grant funded)
The bag contains 
2 books
Discussion guide
Student journal & 2 pens
Example Bag #1Example Bag #2Example Bag #3
Reading the same book as your teen could help you better understand how they see the world.