Strategic Plan

NCH Overarching Three-Year Emphasis
North College Hill City School District will create a collaborative team of stakeholders, including parents, to work together to improve student achievement. The improvement plan’s foundation will be strong Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for academics, behavior, and attendance for all students. Special emphasis will be placed on the systemic and consistent use of numerous data points to drive instructional plans and decisions, the use of high evidence-based instructional strategies, and a team approach to decision making and learning.

NCH SMART Goal #1 (Teaching and Learning)
The number of students in grades PreK-10 who show more than one year’s growth in Mathematics and Language Arts will increase a minimum of 10% each year as compared to the previous year.
  • Strategy #1-1: All school buildings in North College Hill City Schools will implement and progress monitor Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for all students as outlined in the North College Hill MTSS handbook.
  • Strategy #1-2: All staff will actively participate in the Ohio Improvement Process as a means of continuous improvement.
  • Strategy #1-3: The district and building leadership teams will create and implement annual Literacy, MTSS, PBIS, and Professional Development plans that align to the district and building critical needs to create one focused plan.
NCH SMART Goal #2 (Family engagement)
Partnerships and engagement with parents and caregivers will increase by 20% annually in order to support each child and increase the likelihood of student success.
  • Strategy #2-1: The district will create a parent engagement committee with consistent leadership.
  • Strategy #2-2: Determine the most effective family engagement activities.
  • Strategy #2-3: Create and implement a family engagement plan.
NCH SMART Goal #3 (Supportive Learning Environment)
The number of students who miss school due to suspension and/or absenteeism will decrease by 5% annually in order to improve students’ access to learning.
  • Strategy #3-1: All staff in North College Hill City Schools will promote a positive school climate through engaging, research- based behavioral practices and a systems approach using data-driven problem solving to maximize growth for all students, as described by the Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and the Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) teams.
  • Strategy #3-2: The district will create an equitable trauma-informed environment.